Content Resources
End of year giving overview:
Our end-of-year giving campaign, "Your Greatest Gift. Their Greatest Hope," is designed to raise awareness and funds for Children's Specialized Hospital. This campaign aims to communicate the importance of giving hope to kids and families during the holiday season through donations.
Theme: Your Greatest Gift. Their Greatest Hope.
Campaign Goals
Raise awareness about your connection to/care for CSH.
Set and reach fundraising goals.
Key Messages
Every parent’s greatest hope is that their child will be healthy and happy—but one in five kids lives with a chronic illness or complex medical condition that affects their ability to learn and grow. Your greatest gift IS their greatest hope. This season of giving, we’re giving back by donating to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation so every child can access life-changing care.
Theme: Gratitude and the Spirit of Giving
Content: Share stories of gratitude for the hospital and its staff. Highlight the spirit of giving during the holidays and emphasize the importance of supporting children and families spending their holidays in the hospital.
Call to Action: Invite followers to join in giving hope by donating their greatest gift this holiday season.
Sample Video/Reels Script:
It’s just about Thanksgiving and we’re reflecting on things we are grateful for like (list things you are grateful for).
But we know there are children and families who are facing incredible challenges right now. As we sit around our Thanksgiving table, our hearts will be with the children and families who are spending Thanksgiving at Children’s Specialized Hospital.
The holidays are tough for people whose children are sick or injured but we can make their day a little brighter by donating. Every dollar we give supports the life-changing care these kids need to get out of the hospital and home with their families. Our greatest gift is their greatest hope.
Join me/us this Thanksgiving in doing something good for others and donate at give2csh.org/holidays.
Sample Post Copy:
This is the time of year that we reflect on all of our blessings and what we can do to be better in the future. Over the past few years we have had the privilege of being able to witness the miracles that happen at Children’s Specialized Hospital. We’re thankful to all of the staff who have dedicated their lives to giving kids a brighter future. Please join us in giving hope for the holidays by giving at give2csh.org/holidays.
Theme: Urgency and Matching Gift
Content: Announce your intention to support Children’s Specialized Hospital on Giving Tuesday and tell your why. Encourage your followers to donate because their donations will be doubled today only.
Call to Action: Donate to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation today to make twice the impact for kids and families in your community.
Sample Video/Reels/TikTok Script:
Today is Giving Tuesday and I’m/we’re giving to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation so kids can get the care they need to learn and grow.
Today only, donations will be doubled thanks to a matching gift from a generous donor. So every dollar you give will make twice the impact for kids.
This means double the resources, double the progress, and double the hope for the kids who need it most.
Hurry to https://bit.ly/cshgt24 to make a positive impact today.
Sample Post Copy:
Today is Giving Tuesday and I’m/we’re giving to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation so kids can get the care they need to learn and grow. Join me in making a difference for local kids and families by giving now at https://bit.ly/cshgt24!
Theme: Hopeful Holidays
Content: Discuss the holidays as a time of hope and giving. Highlight that the greatest gift is helping others.
Call to Action: Urge followers to make their greatest gift to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation so kids can achieve their greatest hope.
Sample Video/Reels/TikTok Script:
So many of us are busy this time of year—shopping, wrapping gifts, and checking tasks off our lists as we get ready for the holidays.
Right now there is a parent sitting in Children’s Specialized Hospital with their child, worrying about a lot more than if they got the right video game.
Let’s keep those parents and kids in mind this holiday and come together to bring them the joy and hope of the holiday season.
Our greatest gift is their greatest hope. Please join me in donating to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation today at give2csh.org/holidays. It’s the greatest gift we can give this year.
Sample Post Copy:
Right now there is a child in the hospital and parents worried about them. Let’s send them a message that we’re thinking about them!
Please join me in donating to Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation today at give2csh.org/holidays. Our greatest gift is their greatest hope this holiday.
Theme: Togetherness and New Year Positivity
Content: Reflect on the past year and the power of unity. Encourage followers to end the year or start the New Year on a positive note by supporting the CSH Foundation. Share personal stories about why you are passionate about giving.
Call to Action: Motivate followers to seize this last chance to make a difference before 2025.
Sample Video/Reels/TikTok Script:
As we close out 2024 there are so many moments to be proud of, such as (name a few personal proud moments).
But one of my/our proudest moments was being able to support Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation. (Talk about your personal involvement with the hospital this year and what it means to be a part of initiatives that support the hospital).
Join us/me as we/I end the year by doing one last good deed—giving hope to the kids at Children’s Specialized Hospital. Every dollar that we give helps a child take one more step, one more breath, and have one more smile. Give now at give2csh.org/holidays.
Sample Post Copy:
Join us/me as we/I end the year by doing one last good deed—giving hope to the kids at Children’s Specialized Hospital. Every dollar that we give helps a child take one more step, one more breath, and have one more smile. Give now at give2csh.org/holidays.
Posting Schedule, Topics & Content
Drop down each week below to see sample post copy and video scripts to use as inspiration for your social media posts. Images you can download and use in your posts are in the section below.
Social Media Toolkit
Keep your videos under one minute for maximum impact.
Tag or collab with @childrensspecnj on Instagram and tag Children’s Specialized Hospital on Facebook.
Tags, Hashtags & Links
Instagram & X: @childrensspecnj
Facebook: @childrensspecialized
#changekidslives #makeadifference #yourgreatestgifttheirgreatesthope #GivingTuesday #childrensspecnj #childrensspecializedhospital
Donation Links:
Giving Tuesday: https://bit.ly/cshgt24
End of Year Giving Campaign: give2csh.org/holidays